Monday, May 9, 2011

Shine Your LIGHT, and Shine It BRIGHT!!

          Shine your light!! Jesus says in Matthew 5:16, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." I want Jesus to be evident in my life; to the point where I don't even have to tell people I'm a Christian, because they can tell by my life. Notice how Jesus says at the end, "and glorify your Father in heaven." - The purpose of us shining for Jesus is not to bring glory to ourselves or for people to say, "Look how good Hannah is," but to completely bring glory to God, so people will say, "Look how amazing God is." I want EVERYTHING in my life to point to Jesus - my attitude, the way I act, the words I say, the way I dress, etc. We are THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Without Jesus and his followers, the world is full of pure darkness and evil. I always think about the whole "shining your light" thing like this - we are in a dark cave (life), and some people like the dark, because nobody can see what they are doing (non-believers), but some people want them and others to be able to see (Christians). Some of the ones who don't like the dark pull out their phones to shine a light for the people closest to them, thinking that will be bright enough. The other ones who want light, look all around for the brightest light they can find, so everyone can see. - I want to be one of the those who wants to shine the biggest, brightest light!!!! The small, dim light (like the phone) might point the one close friend or family member to Jesus, but what about everyone else around you? Do they see Jesus overflowing from your life?? Shine your LIGHT, and shine it BRIGHT!!!!