Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don't Waste Your Life

(Look up the song "Don't Waste Your Life" by Lecrae...its very good!!)
           Don't waste your life!! Many times in life we get so focused on the future, when really we need to be thinking about what we can do TODAY, or THIS WEEK, to grow God's Kingdom. God gives us everyday for a reason; In fact, you aren't even guaranteed tomorrow!! Its so easy sometimes to just kinda float through life. At times, we all say things like, "Oh I always have tomorrow" But you don't have tomorrow! All you have is today, as far as you know!! Sometimes I catch myself thinking that if God wanted me to do something, he would kinda just put it there in front of me right when he wants me to do it, but that's not usually true! God isn't just going to spoon feed you what he wants you to do - your not a baby! (I'm sure if you are reading this, then your mommy doesn't spoon feed you anymore. So its the same with God.) Maybe you won't be able to change the world in a day, but you have to start one day! Anybody you see that has made a difference in this world, you will notice that there was a day that they started changing the world (I mean come on, its pretty logical.) God wants us to use EVERY moment of EVERY day to bring him glory. You are given approximately 39,446,157 minutes in your life (thats if you die at around 75). That's a lot of minutes. EVERY one of those minutes are given to you for a reason. We have a choice - we can waste those minutes, or we can live them to the fullest to glorify God. Which one will you choose?

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Best of BNC

(The Best Church in the Whole Wide World)
       My family started going to Brand New Church on Christmas Eve of 2006 after we had gone to the Harrison Christmas parade and saw the BNC float. Obviously, 2006 was a long time ago, so we have made so many memories - some happy, some funny, and some kinda embarrasing. :) Here are as many as I can think of:

The best things that happened to us at BNC
1. On May 13th 2007 (The last sunday in the Bergman Gym), my daddy and I got baptized
2. In February 2010, my brothers, Tristan and Tanner were saved and baptized

My most embarrasing moments at BNC
1. When I was in tweens, I walked in the front door of the church and slipped on a spilled smoothie (SO EMBARRASING!!!)
2. Last year, I was helping paint someone on stage during the song 'New Creation', and I splattered yellow paint all over me and in my hair! It was terrible (but I did the song again for the next service and it was all good. lol)
3. While working in the cafe' (December 2010), I was putting the cream in the fridge and the lid wasn't on all the way, and I spilled cream AAALLLL over my legs, my shoes, the floor, and the cabinets. (Im pretty clumsy. haha)

My favorite memories at BNC (There are sooo many, but I will list a few, and I will try to list them in some-what of an order)
1. Our first time there - I loved it!! (And we even thought the BNC band was Hillsong. haha, they were good!!)
2. Kickin' it live, the kids event - I dressed up like a rockstar and signed autographs for the kids. lol
3. Community Groups at our house - loved all the people and food at my house!!
4. Kids/Youth Camp - First two years at Centri Kid Bolivar, MO, Third year at Camp WOW, and Fourth year at Nacogdoches, TX
5. Both Ken Freeman nights - So much fun and so many people saved. It was Awesome!
6. The Track youth trip - although we had a little bus accident, it was still fun. (After we all came out of shock from the accident. Just Kidding, we were all fine)
7. The New Years Party 2009/2010 - All campus' being together was so awesome! (And those EXPOSED videos.)
8. The Dances - I surrender, and Captivated (Thanks Katie!)
9. JAM CAMP!! - I have to say those were some of the best weeks out of my whole life.
10. St. Louis Trips - Two words: SO FUN!!
11. My Parents singing on stage with their "Energy Mics" that were off. lol
12. Helping Mrs. Tammy on Wednesdays last year.
13. Singing in the Choir - I miss that!!
14. Playing in the youth band - So fun... I wish I could still be there to do that!
15. The 'Last Christmas' by George Michael skit that my dad did. (I'm scarred for life! I had that song stuck in my head for months....and oh great, its back. lol)
16. The Lockouts - Staying up all night is definitely not one of my favorite things to do, but the lockouts were sooooo fun!!
17. Serving in the Cafe' - I miss Mrs. Tori and all my cafe' girls!
18. Helping Zach on Wednesdays, and sometimes other random days. I got to do everything - organizing, cleaning, painting, cutting, etc. (thats one of the things I miss the most) :(

Well, thats as many as I can think of - Its definitely not all of them though. I look forward to visiting and making some more memories in the future! I miss everybody so much! Text, call, or email me whenever! Love you all lots!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Here's some pictures of our worship service at BNC. I'm so glad I got to be a part of that!!
     We were made to worship God and only God. And worship is not a bunch of songs played on a piano and guitar that you can sing to. Worship is something lived out in your everyday life; it's giving, serving, loving, etc. And don't get me wrong - praise and singing is without a doubt worship, but it's not the only element. In Psalm 100:2, it says, "Worship the lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." God also wants our worship to always be sincere. John 4:23 says, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." I remember my parents telling us when we were a little younger, "Don't just SAY you love us, SHOW that you do!!" It's the same with our relationship with God!! Anybody can go to church and sing a bunch of songs, but it takes more - it takes living it out. It takes SERVING him with your whole heart and GIVING with a good attitude 24/7!! When I first started living the way God wanted me to live (I still have a lot to work on and I always will, but anyway), my worship at church got WAY better!! Something I always have to remember, is that when I worship through singing, I can't worry about what the people around me might think - its all about God. A hard part for me, is that I love to be on stage, and I have been up there many times (I know some of you are shocked because I'm quiet, but I'm telling you the truth. haha). But when you walk on the stage, God walks off. I always have to remember this - and not just when I'm on stage, but everyday. One of the fun parts, is being creative in different ways to worship God. (I'm not going to give you any ideas, because I highly encourage you to come up with some of your own! =) And remember GIVE, LOVE, and SERVE!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spending Time with the ONE You Love

(This is actually my bible on my bed, opened up to John where I started reading yesterday. I am doing a 21 day challenge in the book of John with the BNC Creative Arts Team!!) 
     You will spend time with the ones you love. You love your family? You want to spend time with them. You love your friends? You always want to be with them. Many people say they love God, but don't spend any time with him! If you REALLY TRULY love God, you will WANT to spend time with him ALWAYS!! Here is what my experience was. I hope it helps you!! I wanted to spend time with God, but kept telling myself I didn't have enough time. BUT.....I had plenty of time. I was constantly doing things that made me feel busy, when really I had all the time in the world (I know there is times like this for everybody). About a year ago (in April 2010), I decided that I was going to do WHATEVER it took to read my bible or devotional every morning - whether I had to get up earlier than normal, or spend less time on myself. It was VERY hard for a while. I started texting what I was reading in the morning to a few people (which has now turned into like 44), and it helped keep me motivated and holds me accountable. Now, after a year has almost gone by, I feel like I NEED to spend time with God in the morning (I can't just "skip it") - my day is not the same without him. And also now, in addition to about 15 minutes in the morning, I feel like I need MORE time with him. I spend time with him while I work out, wash dishes, and so many more random times throughout the day. If you are a Christian and you want to spend time with God, but you don't know where to start, here's a few easy steps: 1. Make a commitment to do a quiet time everyday for a month (after a month its a routine and much easier to stick with.) 2. Make a game plan - find out what your going to do, where you are going to do it, and when your going to do it (I read my devotional first thing in the morning on my bed). 3. Just talk to God! It doesn't have to be anything fancy - just tell him your thoughts, dreams, and EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!! Yes, he knows everything already, but he wants to hear it from you! 4. Share it! - put it on facebook or twitter, and/or send it out to friends and family (or me!! I love reading what people are learning!!) 5. Repeat steps 1-5! I hope this helps you in learning how to spend daily time with your Lord and Savior! Let me tell you (and please listen. I know I'm only 14, but listen anyway), QUIET TIMES ARE THE KEY TO GROWING IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!! It will make your worship and serving ten times better!!! You WILL spend time with the One you love. Do you truly love God?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You CAN Make a Difference!!

       In the last couple years, I have figured out something about myself (well actually a lot of things, but here's 1) - I like to make a difference in everything I do (I know I'm not the only one). I know this is kinda funny, but I much rather clean or organize something that looks like it just got hit by a tornado, then something that is already pretty clean. I was in a carwash fundraiser for youth camp last year, and I had waaaay more fun cleaning a really dirty car, then a clean car. I think this is also why I love to paint. I believe we are all in this world to make a difference for God. Even for me, being a teenager, I can still make a difference - anyone can. Whether you are organizing the gear room at church (I've done it, and had lots of fun, considering I DO like to make a difference. haha.), or you are ending world hunger, it is still some sort of difference. And let me tell you, you can't usually go right to the big stuff - God will want to make sure he can trust you with the small stuff first (cleaning your room, leading something small, etc.). I know God is calling me to make a difference in my family, friends, church, and eventually the world. Always keep in mind that just a simple smile or text can make a difference in someone's life. Changing the world starts with little stuff. Get the small (but sometimes hard) stuff down, and then be ready for big opportunities from God!! Always be on the lookout for things you can do...and BE CREATIVE!!   

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Let your "YES" be "YES" and your "NO" be "NO"!!!

     A couple weeks ago, I was sitting at the dining room table with my family, and my mom and dad asked everyone to go around and say what frustrates us the most. When it was my turn, I told everybody that I get very frusturated when someone says they are going to do something and they don't do it. And also when people say "yes" or "no" to something when their heart is saying something else. In Matthew 5:37 God says, "Simply let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." Same goes for keeping your word. I know this is a kinda dumb example, but don't come and tell me your going on a diet, and then go eat a Big Mac!! I mean, come on people! And I'm not saying don't share good ideas with people, because you definitely do need to do that. But when you do, present it to them as an idea unless you have made up your mind completely. If you say you are going to do something, and you don't do it, it's lying! When you lie, you loose trust! It's just a bad deal all around! Also, when you DO make up your mind about something, have someone hold you accountable! That way you aren't lying! This is all pretty hard, and it definitely takes lots of practice - and thinking before you blurt something out! But on a positive note, anyone can do it! Just always speak your heart...and the truth!! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Special YOU

      Many people think that God can only use you if you have a college degree and you're what the world considers "pretty". Listen here people - thats a lie!!! You do NOT have to be good-looking and smart for God to use you! God made all of us with a special purpose! Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" God actually uses the most unlikely!! He has turned people from having bad stage fright to public speakers, speaking in front of thousands! Don't ever think that just because you don't have a special "talent", or your clumsy or uncoordinated, that God can't use you in big ways...because he absolutely can. And you DO have a special talent. A "talent" doesn't always have to be a musical instrument, painting, or singing. Your talent might be giving or maybe something that may seem small - like smiling or loving on people. We are the Body of Christ. If everyone was a pastor, then this world would get nowhere. Just like if your whole body was made up of eyes, there would be issues. See my point? God made us ALL with a special talent, and we are all supposed to work together to advance the kingdom of Heaven - the same way he made all your body parts to work together to make you happen. Don't EVER let the world tell you that you won't be anything because you aren't a certain way, because God made you just the way you are and you are a special person with a huge purpose. The world is a different place because of you. You don't have to turn in a resume to God to work with him. Just be willing, humble, and ready to learn, obey, and do hard things! And do what God made YOU to do!  

Monday, March 7, 2011

Better than a Celebrity

     Imagine if your favorite celebrity called you on the phone right now and said, "Hey, I want to be your friend! You can call or text me whenever you want!" Would you get excited? I sure would!! Would you feel special? I would!! Well I've got news for you - The king and creator of the whole entire world wants to be your best friend! There is almost 7 BILLION people in this world, and somehow God chose YOU as an individual. He loves you to infinity and beyond!! (I'm a Toy Story fan. =) He knows you better than you know yourself! Now that is definitely WAAAYY better than being friends with a celebrity. And guess what?? You never have to leave God a voicemail! He is always available when you need him! He's there for advice, wisdom, and love, and he's there to talk to when you just need a friend! I know for me, when I have any of my best friends over, I never want them to leave - I want to hang out with them forever. News flash - God is that friend that never has to leave. He can go EVERYWHERE with you! There is NEVER any reason to feel lonely! Let God be your best friend! He's AMAZING and his love is FOREVER!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creativity....God's Way.

        Creativity is one thing I am passionate about. Ever since I was little, I have always loved doing crafts and artwork (sometimes I made things so creative that I didn't even know what to do with them). Now that I am grown up (well at least I think I am), Creativity has a whole new meaning to me. God made creativity. Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Created is the 5th word in the bible! We are called to be Jesus Jr.'s, so we are also called to be creative. I have heard lots of people say things like, "I'm just not creative like you." or "My brain just doesn't work that way." And yes, some people are more creative than others, and maybe have different ways of learning. For me, I learn better through pictures and visuals, when some people do better with numbers or letters. That's just because we are made by a creative God, and we are all unique. The definition of "Creative" on, is "Able to bring something new or unique into existence." God doesn't want us to do things the same way as everyone else - He wants us to be different, which is the way he made us. A few months ago, I read a tweet about creativity from my worship leader/ creative arts pastor, Zach Lee (who is the most creative person I know). It said, "Divine creativity grows in proportion to our connectedness to Him. If we want to be more creative, we must draw closer to God." (To read his blog, visit Being creative doesn't mean go paint huge murals all over your walls or start designing clothes or anything, it just means do new and different things for God!! Don't get stuck in all the old ways of life, do something new to bring glory to Him!