Thursday, October 16, 2014

Open Your Eyes: My Attempt at a Poem

Oh my darling, open your eyes,
And please get rid of your disguise.
You’re so much more than what they say,
I hope you see this too someday.

Take off the masks you try to wear,
When you are stuck in self-despair.
Remove the chains that hold you tight,
For joy comes with the new daylight.

You’re full of beauty inside and out,
Yes, this is true without a doubt.
Don’t listen to the lies you hear,
You’re more than pain and scars and fear.

Oh my darling, be who you are,
Shine brighter than the brightest star.
You are beautiful, loved and free,
Oh my darling, don’t you see?

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Challenge To All Young Women

     I haven't written a blog post in so long. And to just be completely honest, I have been sitting here for the past few minutes trying to come up with a clever way to start this out that will capture your attention and make you want to keep reading. Obviously, I couldn't come up with anything. I want to really just share some thoughts and hopefully inspire you like God is inspiring me.

     Matthew 5:28 (NIV) says, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Yeah, this verse on the surface sounds like a challenge only to men, but I personally feel like it puts some responsibility on women too! As a sister to two 13 (almost 14) year old boys, I try to do everything I can to help them protect their eyes and guard their hearts. I pray for my future husband and all my brothers in Christ that God would help them keep their minds, hearts, and bodies pure. Aside from praying for them, we can also do our part as women in making sure we don't cause them to stumble. I challenge you to live with a purpose in mind, not only in what you say and do, but what you wear and what you post on social media. I'm not going to make a list of what you should and should not wear, or what causes guys to stumble and what doesn't. I just want you to be more careful and more aware. One way to show love to our brothers in Christ is by doing everything in our power to help them guard their eyes and minds! 

     One last thought - The world says to girls "If you have a nice body, show it off!" But nooooo! Your body is for your husband! Every other man that looks lustfully at you is someone else's husband/future husband committing adultery with YOU in his heart! Ew! Plus, Modest is Hottest!! 

     There's nothing I can say or do that will fix this worldwide immodesty problem (haha), but I hope and pray that God has maybe inspired you a little through the words he put in me. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a clever way to grab your attention in the beginning
but if you've made it this far, thank you. :)