Monday, April 11, 2011

Take Heart!! Jesus Has Overcome the World!!

         Life isn't easy. Everyday there's conflict, disappointment,  death, sickness, etc. It's inevitable. During the 21 day John challenge, I read John 16:33, where Jesus says,  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” All of our issues are already taken care of - before they even happen! I love when Jesus said, "Take heart!!"...Its like he's telling us, "Don't worry guys! I already took care of that! You can live at peace now!" Whenever you face something hard, and it seems like there's no hope, take heart! I have heard people say before that it's like life is a story, and we've already read the ending, when Jesus conquers the world! Even though we still battle the enemy daily, don't worry! - Jesus already won the battle when he gave himself!! And even though everyone will still die an  earthly death, we all have the opportunity to live an even better life in heaven when we die! - Because Jesus already conquered death! The minute he rose from the dead, death was conquered! It's so relieving to know that all my problems are already taken care of, and I don't have to worry about a thing. Jesus said that he told us all of this so we can live at peace in him! It's such an amazing feeling to have. Every single time something happens in life, just remember that it is already taken care of - Jesus has already overcome the world. :)

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