Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jesus in Your Social Networking

Social networking (facebook, twitter, etc.) is a huge outlet to share Jesus with people. In just a few seconds, you can have a few sentences put out where hundreds of people can read. That's why it is important to post and tweet things that are pleasing to God. Your facebook and twitter can have a big influence on someone's life. There are so many opportunities to talk about Jesus, encourage people, share what you are reading in the bible, etc. Here are some practical ways to share Jesus through social networking:
First off, clean up your profile:
-Acknowledge Jesus in your bio
-Pick a clean and modest profile picture (Before you decide on one, think "If Jesus added me as a friend on here, would I want him to see this?")
-Make sure your info (especially on fb) is pleasing to God. (favorite music, TV shows, books, movies, etc.)
Then what you post:
-Post what you are reading in your quiet time
-Post prayer requests, updates, etc.
-Write on people's walls! Encourage, encourage, encourage!!
-Talk about what Jesus has done, is doing, and is going to do in your life

And last, be real! Post what you are doing, who you are hanging out with, etc. People want to be able to relate to you!! Well, I hope this will help you...Just NEVER forget that Jesus needs to be the center of it all. Make it obvious that you are one of his followers!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Hannah! I was just looking for images that involve the verse John 16:33. I found an image and it directed me to your blog. The title "Jesus in your social networking" captured my attention and when I looked at who the author is, I found your name which is the same as mine. You must be curious what motivated me to comment on your blog. Besides having the same name, I just want to encourage you to keep writing facts and stories about Jesus. It was my plan before to penetrate the social media with the amazing works of Jesus. Your blog reminded me of that desire. I think I should probably start it right away knowing that there are also bloggers like you who want to glorify God through social media. Keep it up! God bless

    -Hannah Roque
