Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dream BIG

Dream BIG. Right now, I'm reading Darlene Zschech's book, "The Kiss of Heaven", and she said, "God puts a seed of a dream in our hearts before we are even old enough to feel it growing." When you have a dream in your heart to do something, DON'T IGNORE IT!! - It could be the start of God's great big plan for your life!! If you have a dream, WRITE IT DOWN! Also, don't let people's smallness cause you to dream small. The bigger your dream is, the more room there is for God! Don't ever think of your dreams (if they are real, that is,) as "silly" or "unrealistic", because with God all things are possible. When I think of a dream, I think of it as a desire in your heart, that you have no idea how to get to. For instance - right now, my dream is to be a worship pastor/leader of some kind. I have no idea how to get there though. The hardest part is figuring out if that dream is actually what God has called me to do. My suggestion to myself and any others, is to pray, pray, pray, and read God's word. For me right now, what I'm going to do, is run towards that dream (reading books, reading other worship leader's blogs and stuff, researching, etc.), unless God tells me to STOP. That is my suggestion to you also - If your dream doesn't leave you alone after praying and reading the bible, run towards it unless God tells you otherwise. And BE CAREFUL...Satan is the ultimate dream stealer. Don't let him (or anyone else), tell you that something is impossible. EVERYONE has a dream. What is yours??

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